
  • June Newborn at Home Photoshoot - Petersfield

  • Welcome to this gorgeous family's Newborn at Home photoshoot! Is there anything that says "family" more than everyone squished together on the bed, hugging and kissing (with the occasional *BOUNCE* for good measure)?! That is why I love to get everyone onto Mum and Dad's bed for beautiful, candid [...]
  • Summer mini sessions in a camomile field!

  • When I think of British summer time, my mind conjures up images of meadows full of wild flowers, easting freshly picked strawberries in the sunshine and long days spent at the beach. Well I can provide a photoshoot that captures at least one of these, if not two! The summer mini sessions are t[...]
  • Ezra's 6 Month Photoshoot - Southsea, Hampshire

  • We are saying it is Ezra's 6 month photoshoot, although in truth we had to postpone his actual 6 month shoot as he was unwell.  The months have passed and he is now 8 months and utterly gorgeous! We were so lucky to have the first sunshine of the Easter holidays on the day of our shoot.  However we[...]